Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday's blog!!

Just wanted to write about the hot topic of kids going to college for one year and then going to the NBA!!
The NCAA should be ashamed of themselves allowing these kids to be eligible to play basketball while having only 6 credit hours and a D average, that is insane!! Then to top it off, the kids performance isn't tracked at all during the second semester which means these kids don't even have to attend class to remain eligible!! I know some people want to blame the NBA for this but they are not the problem, the NCAA shouldn't be getting used like this, they have to take a stand and enforce tougher rules or get the NBA back to negotiating table with the players union and try to get these kids to stay for at least 2 years if not more!!
By doing that, they would then get rid of the kids who really have no intention of going to school and they can choose to go to Europe or play in the D league for a year!! These kids do have other options to make money right away so don't force them to go to school with this stupid setup and Stop allowing this to be a total Mockery!!
Just wanted to share some of my thoughts on this situation!!

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